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But TM is so simple — can it take a person to higher states of consciousness?


Can something simple and easy to practice produce the most immediate, holistic and profound effects?
Almost everyone who learns how to practice the Transcendental Meditation technique is surprised just how simple it is. And yet, the TM technique is designed for full awakening of human potential. Read more

New Book – The Flow of Consciousness: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on Literature and Language


As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi traveled the globe over the years lecturing on meditation and training thousands of teachers, he met with many of the greatest minds of his generation—who practiced the Transcendental Meditation technique or sought discourse with him at symposia on consciousness. Read more

Discovering nature’s orderliness—within human consciousness


I am sitting by the ocean here in South Carolina for a much-needed break in the action. I am re-discovering the order in nature. It is so restful, so regenerating. Watching the ebb and flow got me thinking about… Read more