Posts Tagged ‘PTSD’

A Journalist’s Story of Addiction & Recovery


Rocky Mountain PBS journalist, Dana Knowles, shares her story of addiction, recovery and passion for telling her story. Read more >

How TM Helped Me Become a Writer


After a few years of practicing the TM technique, I slowly began to feel a more mysterious set of changes develop. I was frequently in “the zone”, that relaxed state of mind where thoughts go in a gentle and novel direction; where ideas sprout and grow like flowers and bloom. The world became a kinder, gentler, more supportive place. Read more

A Chance to Check In


“I wish I could say that meditating became part of my life because I downloaded an app or felt an internal craving for it, but for me, my meditation practice came out of necessity… I had PTSD, and I needed help.” Read more

The Journey Inward – Rewiring Your Brain For Clearer, Calmer Thinking


“You’re still who you are. Your mind is just in a better place. It doesn’t change you. It changes your physiology. It changes your mind. It changes how you deal with everything else.” Read more

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Tom Hanks And The Afternoon Crash


The Afternoon Crash. The 3 O’clock Slump. The Post-Lunch Syndrome. Whatever you call it, we’ve all experienced that point in the afternoon where energy seems to evaporate and productivity plummets. Read more

New Study: Helping Women Reduce Trauma in Prison


Research finds that women are the fastest growing population in U.S. prisons, nearly double the rate of men. They enter prison with high rates of mental, emotional, and sexual abuse, and this high level of trauma results in an increased risk for recidivism. Read more

How Two Women Rebuilt Their Inner Strength After Surviving Adversity


The two women we’re featuring come from very different backgrounds, but both endured traumatic life experiences that left them with intense stress and a lack of inner peace. Read more

Having A Father With PTSD: A Drill Sergeant In The Military And A Drill Sergeant At Home


“I experienced some gruesome things there…I started having nightmares. I didn’t have any idea it was going to turn into the terrible thing it turned into…I woke up one day as an alcoholic, out of control… And I was looking for anything that would help me cope.” Watch the video

My Journey Through Grief


There were so many things to navigate those first few months, things I could never really imagine that were surprising, hurtful, and emotionally jarring. I believe with my whole heart that TM allowed me to function better, heal faster, and manage the intense PTSD that occurs around a traumatic event. Read more

The Trauma Of War And What Comes After: A Fighter Pilot On Finding Purpose And Inner Peace


For Jerry Yellin, it began with a radio blaring, “Pearl Harbor attacked by the Japanese!” 30 years later, it finally ended when he learned the Transcendental Meditation technique and began to heal from PTSD. Read more

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