Posts Tagged ‘Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’

Confessions of an Artist: Brandon Locher


Brandon Locher is a multimedia artist and music producer who currently lives and works in New York, NY. Since 2006 he’s had more than 60 releases under various names and artistic media, including audio recordings, visual art, multimedia art, and sound art. He’s been practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique for the past two years. Here’s what we learned about his creative work and how his TM practice enriches his life. Read more >

But TM is so simple — can it take a person to higher states of consciousness?


Can something simple and easy to practice produce the most immediate, holistic and profound effects?
Almost everyone who learns how to practice the Transcendental Meditation technique is surprised just how simple it is. And yet, the TM technique is designed for full awakening of human potential. Read more

The Basis Of Peace Is Bliss


Many people I meet seem to have the idea that meditation is about ‘stilling the mind’—removing all thoughts so that the mind can relax and achieve the goal of inner peace. Read more

Maharishi: “Knowledge of the Knower is the Basis of all Knowing”


Throughout his more than fifty years of teaching the Transcendental Meditation technique, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi dedicated much of his time and efforts on promoting the understanding that the development of the consciousness of the student is an essential part of achieving the highest ideals of education. Read more

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Human Suffering and Stress: How can Transcendental Meditation Help?


In this excerpt from a lecture at historic Jones Hall in Houston, Texas in 1972, Maharishi describes the underlying cause of suffering, the mechanics of stress release and the evolution of human consciousness to enlightenment. Read more

Sage Advice About How to Enjoy a Happier, Fuller Life


“It is natural that one receives what he is in a position to give. The mother gives to the child and, in return, receives from the child; the father gives to the son all his love, wealth, strength, and mind, and in return receives his confidence, love, and happiness.
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An interview with the “father of stress” about TM


I came across this mid-1970’s interview with Dr. Hans Selye, the scientist who is considered the founder of the concept of stress in modern medicine. He was recognized as the 20th century’s leading authority on the subject of stress and its impact on human health. Read more

“What’s Enlightenment?” — Q&A with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Q: What’s the goal of Transcendental Meditation?

Maharishi: “The goal of the Transcendental Meditation technique is the state of enlightenment. This means we experience that inner calmness, that quiet state of least excitation, even when we are dynamically busy.” Read more

Enlightenment—the Ultimate Development of Human Potential


The interview below is with Craig Pearson, Ph.D., the Executive Vice-President of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa, and the author of the forthcoming book, The Supreme Awakening: Experiences of Higher States of Consciousness—Cultivating the Infinite Potential Within. Read more

“Why is there so much interest in TM?” – an historic NBC interview with Maharishi


In 1973, the legendary NBC news anchor Edwin Newman interviewed Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for the critically-acclaimed program, “Speaking Freely.” Here are excerpted transcripts from that 30-minute show. Read more

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