Posts Tagged ‘Stress’

I Never Believed Transcendental Meditation Would Benefit Me


A year ago I was unhappy with the direction of my life. I was out of shape, overtired, and depressed. I was merely going through the motions of waking, working and sleeping. Read more

The Journey Inward – Rewiring Your Brain For Clearer, Calmer Thinking


“You’re still who you are. Your mind is just in a better place. It doesn’t change you. It changes your physiology. It changes your mind. It changes how you deal with everything else.” Read more

“I Would Plant My Happiness Outside Of Me—And That’s The Worst Thing You Can Ever Do.”


“Before TM, it was difficult for me to sit in stillness or be calm… I avoided anything that required stillness or being calm like the plague! During yoga I’d avoid shavasana—corpse pose—because I didn’t like being still with myself. I had become so addicted to being stressed that my body would reject stillness by distracting myself with constant movement. …Now I look forward to my meditations and live for moments of stillness.” Read more

Photo by Jonas Kakaroto

My Only Regret Is That I Didn’t Find This Practice Twenty Years Ago


“As someone with a creative AND whirlwind mind that moves a mile a minute, balancing my creative ideas with spinning, whirling, self-sabotaging thoughts has always been a challenge. My mind was always “ahead” of the rest of me, and this imbalance caused chaos in my personal life…” Read more

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Photo by Amy Shamblen

I Woke Up And Realized Everything I Thought I Knew Was Wrong


“I’d sobbed and wailed myself to sleep, night after night, desperately praying for a solution to my grief and an end to the deeply dark sadness in my soul. I never could have guessed it would come in the form of something as simple as meditation.” Read more

Choose A Meditation Practice You’ll Stick With


Modern life is demanding and stressful, and in a lot of ways, meditation is the perfect antidote. But while having the intention to meditate is one thing, establishing and maintaining a regular practice is another thing entirely. Read more

Meditation Is Not All “Listening To The Wind And The Trees And The Birds”


“I actually was not a believer in meditation. I always thought meditation was something that you had to clear your head [to do], which was something that I was really awful at. I thought you had to focus on something…but it was surprisingly really easy.” Read more

“It Hit Me, Quite Literally, After Endless Months Of Going To Sleep Wired”


“With the thick soup of emotions, activities, actions, and lack of sleep that makes up modern life, many of us find ourselves in a constant state of stress — whether we realize it or not. Our fight or flight responses are jacked up, leaving us in a pickle of confused cortisols and befuddled coping mechanisms, which really just mask the inner noise.” Read more

Tom Hanks And The Afternoon Crash


The Afternoon Crash. The 3 O’clock Slump. The Post-Lunch Syndrome. Whatever you call it, we’ve all experienced that point in the afternoon where energy seems to evaporate and productivity plummets. Read more

Changing Lives & Transforming Education


At the Sacred Heart School in Lake Worth, FL, and other schools all around the world, the “Quiet Time” program is giving students the extra edge they need to succeed! Read more

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