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What’s gotten into veteran CNN reporter Candy Crowley?


This past year has been a remarkable one in the career of veteran journalist, Candy Crowley. The Washington Post reports that Crowley new assignment as anchor of CNN’s popular Sunday morning State of the Union program has been applauded by the public and… Read more

Eva Mendes — Finding More Balance And Creativity


Successful people in the entertainment industry often talk about trying to find some personal peace of mind in what is otherwise an incredibly intense public life. The 36-year old American actress Eva Mendes is one of those people who has found a way to achieve that sought-after balance. Read more

Maharishi & American futurist, Buckminster Fuller — Press conference


The University of Mass at Amherst was the site of a remarkable meeting between Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Buckminster Fuller. Maharishi and Mr. Fuller came from different traditions of knowledge, but both talked about the universal basis of the life of the individual and cosmos. See video post

National Institutes of Health spotlights TM research


A recent study found daily Transcendental Meditation practice helps young adults decrease psychological stress and increase coping ability. For a group of students at high risk for developing hypertension, these changes also were associated with decreases in blood pressure. See video post

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Maharishi on Ideal Relationships


“If the individual has fully developed potential he’ll enjoy friendships, relationships, and marriage to the fullest extent… Therefore the key to relationships is to take care of our own Self. We meditate and then our potentiality is being used more and more through practice, and then a time will come when we are using our full potential and we have a fully developed heart and mind…”Read more

New research on the “meditating brain”


Newly published research indicates that the Transcendental Meditation technique activates the brain’s natural “ground state.” A special issue of Cognitive Processing, which is dedicated to the “Neuroscience of Meditation and Consciousness,” featured the results of a randomized, controlled study conducted at American University in Washington, D.C. Read more